Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Happens On A Busy Day In The World Of Planetary Sciences

     In the world of planetary sciences there are days where nothing happens, researchers sit around refreshing their searches, looking deeper at some old Hubble data, or building new models of systems. On the other hand there are days like today. Earlier today I mentioned how we find planets beyond our own solar system and I pointed my finger at Kepler for being one of the better resources we have.
     All I can say is HOLY COW!!!! Kepler returned data from its recent scan of the skies and has revealed a staggering 1200(ish) new planets in our own galaxy! 1200 in a portion of only one-millionth of the total galaxy!
     Since I am not an expert on this I would suggest following this link: BadAstronomy's coverage of the event

May the stars shine brightly in your skies


  1. If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe!

  2. Yeah, this was huge. Glad to see you commenting on it here. You can also check out NPR's Science Friday's coverage of it (there are a few interviews there that might be of interest). Cool!
